Ksi Lisims LNG is granted a 40-year export license

Press Release
December 14, 2022

 (VANCOUVER, B.C.) -- The Ksi Lisims LNG project has received the Canada Energy Regulator’s approval for a 40-year license to export LNG. 

An export license is granted when the Canadian Energy Regulator (CER) is satisfied that the natural gas supply required to meet a project’s export needs are surplus to the foreseeable Canadian demand requirements. The export license will be issued by the CER following approval of the Minister of Natural Resources Canada. 

Ksi Lisims LNG is a unique project between the Nisga’a Nation and Rockies LNG, a partnership of Canadian natural gas producers, along with Western LNG, a North American leader in developing innovative LNG export facilities to help meet growing global demand for secure lower-carbon energy. 

Read the CER decision letter here

About the Project Proponents: 

The Nisga’a Nation is a self-governing, modern treaty Nation with significant, defined control of and rights over their lands. The Nisga’a Nation’s sites are ideally situated along the west coast of Canada with direct access to overseas markets, close proximity to approved natural gas pipeline routes and prime locations for the development of LNG projects. They are a founding member of the First Nations Climate Initiative. https://www.nisgaanation.ca 

Rockies LNG Partners is a partnership of Canadian natural gas producers formed to advance LNG market access opportunities on the west coast of British Columbia. Rockies LNG’s partners collectively produce approximately 20% of Canada’s natural gas and are committed to responsible development of Canadian natural gas resources. http://www.rockieslng.com 

Western LNG is a Texas-based company with offices in Houston and Vancouver, B.C. The company is engaged in the development of North American LNG export facilities with a management team experienced in the development of LNG and related energy infrastructure industries. https://www.westernlng.com 

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